Tag Archives: Best of

Best of 2010 Blogging Event

I find it very appropriate and positive to end the year with thinking about what was good about it. So, when Trish from the Scent Hive asked me if I wanted to participate in this blogging event, of course I said yes. 🙂

This has been a difficult year for me but at the same time, it came with some happy realizations.

One of them is that the perfume blogging world is full of wonderful, helpful people who are both generous of heart and mind. I am thankful for that to Carol and AbdesSalaamAttar and the event Carol organized where we could discuss perfume with AbdesSalaam. He said then something that stuck with me and I see as being true the more I smell and enter the world of smells:
“Love of perfumes comes from a quality of the soul, and being able to feel joy from scents instead of material things also. It is not given to all.
It seems to me that people who enjoy perfumes are also people who find joy in the most simple and little things in life and want to share it with others.

Since I started with AbdesSalaam, I should say that in my mind, this year had been quite oriented towards natural perfumes and they were discussed more than before (and I believe used as well, at least I know I did). The Mystery of Musk project and the Outlaw perfume project were incredible success and I think they promoted quite well they quality of perfumes containing natural ingredients and the fact that there is no need to forbid the use of some natural components in the creation of perfumes. I am still eagerly awaiting my outlaw sample pack that Carol organized and still has some if you are interested in acquiring one.
My perfume collection is getting bigger and bigger and this year I bought more natural perfumes than others which surprised me as well when I realized it. But then again, I’m after perfumes that make me smell more and create more vivid images in my mind and those are naturals it seems. 🙂

As you might have noticed so far, the end of the year brought many posts regarding what was best (and worst) this year and many of those included perfumes and ideas I found great as well.

So, I’ll just give you a quick rundown through those that when I look back on the year, shine through the fogginess in my stressed mind (which is getting some deserved rest as we speak). 🙂

This year’s discoveries started with Annick Goutal’s Ninfeo Mio. I love it and just thinking about it brings gladness to my  mind, it reminds me of my grandmother’s garden.

Then came the release of Honore des Pres’ coffee cups collection. 🙂 Here I need to thank once more to Denyse from Grain de Musc for the effort and help with procuring me with Vamp a NY and Love Coco. Again, natural perfumes I fell in love with, not so much the carrot one (which is very interesting but not wearable for me) but the other two are just plain great.

I’m still unfamiliar with the following but have high hopes in some more love going that way. The creations I’m most eager to try are L’Artisan’s Traversee du Bosphore and the whole Pierre Guillaume’s Huitieme Art collection.  I love both the work by Bertrand Duchafour and Pierre Guillaume so I’m postponing trying them in order to not spend too much money. 😉

My personal perfume discoveries for this year are the love of amber and the line of Laurie Ericksson – Sonoma Scent Studio.

These are my thoughts on what was best this year, please visit my fellow participants for their take on what made them happy this year:

The Non-Blonde

Smelly Blog

Roxana Illuminated Perfume

DSH Notebook

I Smell Therefore I Am


A Rose Beyond the Thames

Schreibman’s Live

Portland Fragrance Examiner



Sorcery of Scent

Scent Hive

Thanks to Roxana for the picture.