N.K. Jemisin: The Broken Kingdoms read-along #4

This is our final week and this week’s questions were created by Grace of Books Without Any Pictures.


1.  We finally meet T’vril in his new role as Lord Arameri.  Is he what you expected?
Actually yes. He didn’t get too Arameri but he’s ruthless when he needs to be (seems not as much as his Arameri kin would like).
The Broken Kingdoms by NK Jemisin
2.  Oree is given a choice, to live as the Arameri’s weapon, or to die.  What would you do in that position?
I always like to think I would choose the higher path. But I love living. That said, I’m not sure if I could live with other peoples/godlings lives on my hands.
3.  Do you think that Oree made the right decision by sending Shiny away?  How do you feel about Yeine’s role here?

Yes, but it seems Shiny was expecting it. I think Yeine made the best out of the situation, salvaging what she could without breaking anyone’s tenuous connection to sanity.
4.  What did you think of the ending of the book?  Were you satisfied?
Well, at several points I was worried it was going to go into direction I wasn’t going to enjoy but it all ended up rather well. I knew there was no chance of a happy ending for Shiny and Oree, he has much more to learn and live through before he can start being whole.


5.  How did The Broken Kingdoms compare to The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms?  Which did you like better?

I actually like The Broken Kingdoms better. I had a hard time consoling Yeine and Enefa and kept thinking Yeine got smothered a bit by goddess’ entity. It seems Yeine is upset a bit in this book that people find them interchangeable. 😉

This one seems more like a book about life. You have some pleasure and love, you suffer, you get better, you get some pleasure and love, disappointment follows but then there are the most amazing consequences to follow. 🙂

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7 thoughts on “N.K. Jemisin: The Broken Kingdoms read-along #4

  1. […] Books Without Any Pictures Dab of Darkness All I Am, A Redhead Book Bound Tethyan […]


  2. Lauren January 31, 2014 at 10:41 Reply

    2. I also think that it’d be easier to choose to live, but you might regret it if you make it possible for the Arameri to do something horrible.

    5. Yeah, the book is more down to earth, not least of all because most of it actually takes place on the ground instead of in Sky Palace 🙂


    • Ines February 1, 2014 at 22:25 Reply

      Hi, hi, hi, now that you said, it makes sense (the story being played out on the ground). 😀

      Yes, that second question really was a difficult one. I would like to think of myself as being moral and taking the right road but honestly, I’m not sure.


  3. tethyanbooks February 2, 2014 at 17:24 Reply

    On 4, I think I felt the same way. There were a few places I was really afraid it was going to veer off in a direction I didn’t like, but then it didn’t. I really liked the way it ended. I’m glad I’m not the only one who liked this one more, and I think part of the reason I liked it more is as you describe– the story is a bit more ‘grounded’. 😀


    • Ines February 4, 2014 at 23:11 Reply

      I’m glad someone is with me on preferring this book to the previous one. I also need to add that it’s not usual for me to agree with authors on the way the story veers off but here everything fit perfectly. I’m rather pleased to have found another author that surprises me in most incredible ways. 🙂


  4. nrlymrtl February 4, 2014 at 22:57 Reply

    I too think it would be hard to live knowing that your spilled blood could kill immortals….and that the ruling family had now hesitation in using your blood.

    ‘breaking the tenuous connection to sanity’….Yes, Yeine had to try to keep everyone sane. Maybe that is why the brunt of the sadness has to be carried by Oree because she is the most grounded, the least likely to lose it, and if she lost it, she would be unlikely to destroy the world, or a chunk of it.

    That is very true that this is a book about life. I like that Oree has to deal with every day stuff – like working, cooking meals, house cleaning. Her love and loss are just as real as those of the gods, godlings, and ruling Arameri, but she handles it all with such finesse and way less drama.


    • Ines February 4, 2014 at 23:16 Reply

      I think that you nailed it, why I liked this book better. It actually made the characters more real (even though gods/godlings don’t participate in it that much) through descriptions of what real life situations are like for everyone else. And then, I’m always a sucker for down-to-earth, reasonable characters. 😉


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