Kasey Michaels: A Midsummer Night’s Sin

Being a romance novel lover, I’m always on the lookout for new authors to read. Unfortunately as my romance taste is rather specific, those writers tend to be few and in between.

But I found a new one! Kasey Michaels. And had so much fun reading. 🙂

The main male character is Puck (nickname). He is fun and games personified and also lovable and loving when he falls in love.
In this case, the woman he falls in love is intelligent and has a healthy sense of humour which is needed if you plan on spending time with Puck.

The problem they face is white slavery. That unfortunately is a problem we still face today so I was glas to see K. Michaels showing it in rather grim manner in this novel.
I love to read to get lost in imagined worlds but we shouldn’t forget that the world we live in, is generally not a  nice one.
And Regina’s world won’t be rocked just by that.

I loved the intelligent conversations and all the Shakespearian connotations.
And as this is the middle novel of the three Blackthorn brothers, I have something to go back to and something to look forward.
And Jack’s story is definitely something to look forward… 😉

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2 thoughts on “Kasey Michaels: A Midsummer Night’s Sin

  1. Zanne October 18, 2011 at 18:56 Reply

    Hiya Red! Well, I'm always intrigued by your book reviews though I've never ventured into the romance novel genre. Alas, I think I just may go for it – why not? Whole new adventure. (And a gigantic departure from the Richard Laymon horror I'm reading for October – ha!) My question is this: After all you've consumed, what in your opinion is the hands down Best-of-the Best in this realm? Best author/series/characters/story-arc/& steamy-steam-scenes? Who's got it all and is at the top of his/her game? This newbie is curious and wants a wild ride if she indeed 'goes there'. Rock on Ines! You know I adore you & your blog! :)Z 🙂


  2. Ines October 18, 2011 at 22:02 Reply

    Hi Zanne, yes, please venture!You can always decide better venturesome pastures are someplace else but in the meantime, you can try and find as many as you can. ;)Hmm, best of the best?If you want fantastical romance (demons, witches, vampires) with a lot of steam, witty banter and general fun, definitely go for Kresley Cole. In that department, nothing has her beat in my opinion.If you lean more toward historical fiction of the English kind (my favourite) – Stephanie Laurens is your girls. But you wouldn't do wrong with Sabrina Jeffries either.These are really the ones that come first when I think about the genre.If you decide to try, I'd love to hear what you thought of them. :)PS. Have I told you already your comments always make me smile? 🙂


I love hearing your thoughts!