And, I’m off!

Work is done and luckily I won’t have to think about it for the next three weeks.

I mean, I am taking my laptop with me because it’s no vacation if I can’t enjoy my favourite blogs.

But mostly, it’s going to be fun in the sun (well, more like reading in the shade) but you get the idea. 🙂

It’s pretty much the highlight of my year, when I get to relax and unwind, not worry about my calorie intake, exercise regime, work, people relations etc.

I’m taking my Kindle with me, lots of stuff to smell and review (hopefully) and all of my bathing suits which have now reached a critical mass – so I was very economical this year and didn’t buy a single one! And I found a beautiful one!

I do hope weather returns to the sunny heat it’s supposed to be at this time of year, and no more of this autumn vibe.

Pic is mine. 🙂


31 thoughts on “And, I’m off!

  1. Suzanne July 29, 2011 at 16:58 Reply

    Ines, I hope you have a fabulous time and wear every bathing suit in your collection! (And read and eat and swim to your heart's content.)


  2. Lisa BTB July 29, 2011 at 17:21 Reply

    Have a wonderful vacation Ines!


  3. July 29, 2011 at 18:49 Reply

    Have a great time -enjoy and recreate…


  4. Bloody Frida July 29, 2011 at 21:48 Reply

    Have a beautiful time!! You deserve it!


  5. Ines July 29, 2011 at 22:06 Reply

    Suzanne, I always plan on doing all of those things and in the end, I don't wear half of the things I have with me (but that's normal because women always pack more than they need), don't really swim as much as I'd like to because it does take energy to do it for any prolonged period of time, and I have to admit, I exchange most of my food for beer. 🙂 But hell, it's vacation after all. 🙂


  6. Ines July 29, 2011 at 22:08 Reply

    Lisa, thank you. And I think it will be a good one, different than usual, but in the end I believe better. 🙂


  7. Ines July 29, 2011 at 22:10 Reply

    Jolanta, I sincerely hope I manage to recreate half as much as I want to. That would be more than I usually manage. 😉


  8. Ines July 29, 2011 at 22:12 Reply

    Thank you very much BF. 🙂 Honestly, I feel so burned out, I wouldn't be much use to anyone at work. I don't think I ever felt a need for a vacation so much.


  9. Michael July 29, 2011 at 23:09 Reply

    I hope you have a great time in the sun! Enjoy


  10. Ines July 29, 2011 at 23:15 Reply

    Thanks Michael! :)Btw, I wanted to comment on your post but blogger won't let me. Could you include comments by Name/URL as that tends to work? I have no idea what blogger changed and why it's no longer compatible with my PC environment…


  11. Anonymous July 29, 2011 at 23:28 Reply

    Ines, re your comment to Suzanne. No worries, beer IS food. Have a great holiday with much sniffing and Kindling!–Lindaloo


  12. Ivana July 30, 2011 at 00:23 Reply

    I hope you enjoy your vacation and it gets warmer soon. Though I have to admit, since I can't make it to the coast, this weather suits me just fine 🙂


  13. Doc Elly July 30, 2011 at 06:38 Reply

    Ines, have a fun, restful, and wonderful vacation. Enjoy the sun, your bathing suits, your reading, and the beer!


  14. Undina July 30, 2011 at 07:39 Reply

    Have the best vacation ever! Don't forget a sunscreen: as a redhead you probably have the fairest complexion.


  15. Condos Puerto Vallarta July 30, 2011 at 08:19 Reply

    I’ve been visiting your blog for a while now and I always find a gem in your new posts.


  16. Ines July 30, 2011 at 10:38 Reply

    Thank you Lindaloo! 🙂 I have to say I agree with you on the beer-food front. 😀


  17. Ines July 30, 2011 at 11:12 Reply

    Ivana, I'm sorry to hear you won't make it to the coast, but it couldn't hurt getting a bit warmer (my feet are constantly cold and it's the middle of summer!). 🙂


  18. Ines July 30, 2011 at 11:16 Reply

    Thank you Doc Elly. :)Btw, did I mention that my boyfriend won't be spending much time with me due to some obligations in Zagreb so each package that arriver will be getting to me at the seaside (sometimes I profit in the best ways). 😉


  19. Ines July 30, 2011 at 11:17 Reply

    And sometimes I write without checking my spelling. 😉


  20. Ines July 30, 2011 at 12:26 Reply

    Dear Undina, thanks for thinking about my protection. I do take care in the sun, even though I'm not a ntural redehead (dark ash blonde is my true color), I do have quite pale and fair complexion (and I'll be getting a lot of freckles as well), so I never go into the sun without protection. And I can't remain much in the sun either.Those are the best problems I can face. 🙂


  21. tara July 30, 2011 at 20:55 Reply

    Dear Ines, have a wonderful vacation, sounds like it has come at just the right time. Hope the sun shines lots. I was worried because I sent you a parcel a couple of days ago but I see from your reply to Doc Ely that your boyfriend will be at home a fair bit so hopefully it will get to you OK at some point. BTW nice pic!


  22. Undina July 31, 2011 at 06:39 Reply

    Yes, Tara is right, I meant to mention it and forgot: I like the picture too.


  23. Ines July 31, 2011 at 10:26 Reply

    Dear Tara, thank you for the kind words and what a lovely surprise! 🙂 Btw, I love surprises. And yes, I believe next time my boyfriend arrives (although the word is somewhat lacking as we've been together for 9 years), will bring quite a lot of parcels with thim. Many things I was waiting for failed to arrive in time. But this is even better – it will all come here, to Little Fig (Suzanne reminded me that that is what the name would be in English). :)Thank you once more for the lovely surprise.Once I get back I plan on making a revenge package to you. 😉


  24. Ines July 31, 2011 at 10:29 Reply

    Thanks Undina, those are my beach necessities (and there is always a book in the bag, with a bottle of water and sunscreen). See, taking care in the sun. 🙂


  25. Joan August 1, 2011 at 03:47 Reply

    Hope you're having a lot of fun! I just went to the beach lately (Rehoboth Beach, Delaware). Was a break from my summer job!I wore Caldey Island Lavender.


  26. Ines August 2, 2011 at 12:41 Reply

    Hi Joan, I am enjoying myself. 🙂 And the weather is improving day by day.Btw, I'm mostly wearing Bronze Goddess these days – the perfect beach scent. 🙂


  27. wineandfood4u August 7, 2011 at 13:40 Reply

    uživaj na moru, i lijepo se odmori…nego, znaš li ima li za kupiti u zagrebu muški tom fordov parfem?? probao sam ga u londonu i mraaaak mi je..budala nisam ga kupio…i, imaš li neki svoj best of muških parfema? :)pozdrav


  28. Ines August 7, 2011 at 14:26 Reply

    Hvala. 🙂 Kaj se tice Toma Forda na moju veliku zalost, nema ga u Zg-u (ja sam bila kupila jedan u Parizu – tamo pak ima svega, eto zasto je tamo super). 😉 Mozes pogledati na online discounterima poput Cheap smells i Escentuals ( tak nekak , ne znam tocno ime Escentualsa, ali mi je u favoritima). Ja nemam problema kad narucujem od njih, a mozda bi mogli imati Ford parfema.Kaj se tice mojih muskih favorita, to je tesko jer ti je moj ukus sarolik a isprobavanje na mom decku me dovelo do zakljucka da nemam pojma kaj se svidja muskima. 🙂 No ako mi kazes kaj ti se inace svidja, mogla bih ti reci kaj mislim da bi ti se jos moglo svidjeti.


  29. wineandfood4u August 7, 2011 at 22:08 Reply

    uvijek imam bar 4-5 parfema u opticaju i volim ih stalno mijenjati, ali, Chanelov Bleu mi je nezamjenjiv i njega najviše volim. trenutno još koristim Bang Bang od Marc Jacobsa, D & G the one, YSL L'Hmme, Bvlgari Aquva (zelena bočica) i Bvlagri pour homme soir. zadnje sam potrošio carolina Herrera for Men, Dior Homme Sport i Givenchy (ne znam kak se zvao, ali bila je crveno-bordo pakovanje). volim lakše parfeme, malo citrusa, vetiver, drvo, morske ali ne preslabe, cimet, papar (zeleni), narančinu koru…eto… ako imaš kakav prijedlog javi pa da uzmem, i tako sam ujutro već u italiji pa će bit prilike


  30. Ines August 8, 2011 at 11:58 Reply

    YSL Homme i Nuit de Homme bi mi bili prvi na listi nakon navedenih nota i grupa, ali vidim da si i sam to otkrio.E sad, ne znam gdje u Italiji ćeš biti, ali mislim da bez obzira što će većina ovog što navedem biti niche, a ne baš mainstream, mislim da ćeš lakše naci to u Italiji nego kod nas (mislim da skoro ničeg od onog što slijedi nema tu).Dakle, ako ćeš imati priliku mirisati Hermes parfeme, mislim da bi ti se de Merveilles i Jardin serije mogle dopasti. Meni je Elixir de Merveilles fenomenalan, ali i ostali su super. Jardin du Mediteranee bi mi bio prva preporuka iz Jardin serije.Kaj se ticč vetivera, obavezno moraš probati Guerlain Vetiver i ako naletiš negdje na Le Labo, njihov Vetiver 46 (i sve ostalo kaj ti se imenom dopadne, oni su vrlo dobri).Jedan od mojih favorita ovo ljeto je Jardin du Poete od Eau d'Italie, i Cologne du 68 od Guerlaina. Takoder sam neki dan probala Eau Noir od Dior-a i odličan mi je.E sad prije nego se zabrineš, ja ne vjerujem u podjelu na muške i ženske mirise, tj. puno onih na koje se zalijepim ispadnu više muški, nego ženski. No od ovih koje sam navela, nijedan nije definiran kao ženski, nego su ili muški ili unisex.I zadnja preporuka je za meni jednu od najboljih linija, Serge Lutens, mislim da bi ti se mogao dopasti njihov L'Eau de SL. :)Eto, nadam se da ćeš barem neštp od ovog uspjeti pronaći. Sori kaj nemam više dostupnijih prijedloga, ali u ovom slučaju ćeš barem imati nešto drugačije (i po mom mišljenju vrlo dobro i kvalitetno) od većine. 🙂


  31. wineandfood4u August 9, 2011 at 22:24 Reply

    Trenutno sam u Palermu (sicilia). Sutra u cefalu, prekosutra siracusa. Ma u palermu ima odlicnih parfumerija tako da cu pokusat prosnjofkat sto nadjem a tvog popisa. PozdravSent from my iPhone


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